Hello my name is Chace Moniz I am currently a senior at Old Colony R.V.T.H.S. I am currently taking computer science as my shop. My main reason for choosing Old Colony is that all of my siblings came to this school before me so I heard many good things about it. In my free time I participate in the esports team and hang out with my friends after school. Here in the shop I learn about Java, SQL Game Design, and Web Development. I also previously learned about Cyber Security, and Python. My main goal is to continue game development even if only in my free time.
I do many things here at Old Colony, however one thing that I am proud of would have to be my Independent Projects. My first project I worked on over the first 3 years I was here, being my mod I was producing for the game The Binding Of Isaac. It was my most difficult project as it required me to understand code and functions in a LUA, a language I never studied before. My most recent project is the Microsoft AI and Data Management courses. They have taught me information about SQL I never learned before as well as started my on a track to make AI.